Living Longer and Happier



People today are living longer than in the past. There are people reaching their 90’s and still living a full happy life. Genetics seem to play a large part in the process, but other aspects such as your lifestyle are an essential part of living into your golden years and beyond. The following tips will help you live a longer and happier life.

  • Eat Less – This suggestion might take a lot of people by surprise, but it is absolutely helpful. There is a large population of elderly people living over 100 that live in Japan. Their secret is to stop eating when you are 80% full. Americans are more likely to continue to eat until they feel full or overly stuffed from a meal. The scientific part of this suggestion reveals that limiting calories per meal lowers production of the thyroid hormone T3 that is known to speed up the aging process and slow metabolism.
  • Socialize – You don’t have to be a social butterfly and have hundreds of friends. Creating a small trustworthy circle of friends will provide you with access to an immediate support group throughout life. Keep in mind that loneliness can actually cause inflammation in your body, even in healthy people.
  • Exercise – Keeping the body in motion is helpful in a variety of ways. It improves your circulation, flexibility, mood, strength and muscle tone. You don’t have to go to the gym every day for hours to receive benefits. In fact, doing something active and fun can count as exercise. Simply walking your dog at the park or around your neighborhood can count as exercise. In addition, there are some gyms that offer yoga classes, tai chi classes, tennis and more. If you love to swim, you can go to the pool or beach a few times a week.

There are plenty of ways to create a life that allows you to live longer and happier. The suggestions listed above are a great starting point to build your foundation. Don’t forget to include hobbies such as cooking, reading, sewing, golfing, fishing, collecting seashells, and gardening to your list of fun things to do.

The truth is, life is meant to be enjoyed and lived to the fullest. If you stop doing things that you have always enjoyed just because you reached a specific age, you are only making things worse. It’s also never too late to start a new hobby which can keep you entertained for many years to come. Go out there and live!